Food No-No’s

Food No-No’s

It is always tempting especially over periods such as Easter and Christmas when there is lots of a chocolate and rich food around the house to share some with the dog, especially as most dogs will eye up anything that is edible!  However feeding dogs food such as chocolate is highly harmful to their bodies.  Chocolate is toxic to dogs as it contains a chemical called theobromine, this is a stimulant that effects your dog’s nervous system and heart muscle. Dogs can’t metabolize theobromine as effectively as humans, although different chocolates contain different amounts of theobromine and different sized dogs can tolerate different amounts before it affects their health, it is best to avoid giving your dog chocolate altogether to be safe. There are lots of doggie treats that are safe to give your dog and will taste just as good.

The warning signs that your dog has eaten chocolate may include vomiting, diarrhea or hyperactivity. As the chemical is absorbed into their system their heart rate may increase which can cause arrhythmia, restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination or excessive panting. This can lead to hyperthermia, muscle tremors, seizures, coma and even death. If you suspect that your dog has eaten harmful amounts of chocolate take them to your vet immediately.

Other harmful foods that are dangerous to your dog include, sweets, raw salmon, onions and garlic in large quantities, grapes, raisins, mushrooms, caffeine and mistletoe berries. Of course there are lots of things that are harmful to dogs that we wouldn’t think twice about eating, as well as the usual things to be wary of such as household cleaning chemicals, anti-freeze, rat poison etc. To keep your dog safe treat them as you would a small child, put dangerous chemicals in a high cupboard out of reach, to avoid the risk of them eating things they shouldn’t!

Safe in The Sun

As the warmer weather is approaching, it is the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors with your faithful friend, slowly strolling, appreciating nature and breathing fresh air, while your excited pooch explores the surroundings – nothing is better. Sometimes the weather can get very hot, often hotter than predicted and if there is a […]

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Chewing Everything!

Dogs and puppy’s chew objects around the house at different ages for many different reasons. This blog will give you reasons behind your dog’s mischievous behavior and give you tips on how to combat it.  Normal Behavior It is perfectly normal a puppy to want to chew things around the house. Chewing is how they explore […]

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Food No-No’s

It is always tempting especially over periods such as Easter and Christmas when there is lots of a chocolate and rich food around the house to share some with the dog, especially as most dogs will eye up anything that is edible!  However feeding dogs food such as chocolate is highly harmful to their bodies. […]

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