Max and Marilyn

Max and Marilyn’s Story

It wasn’t too long ago that Marilyn and several of her friends decided to go on a vacation to Italy. Marilyn had been there as a college student but always wanted to go back. However, the busyness of life had always gotten in the way somehow. Now, she decided it was finally time. As she was happily planning her dream vacation, choosing the right hotels, organizing the activities, deciding which museum, which restaurants, she was suddenly struck with an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

Why? She was supposed to be excited and happy – but suddenly that all seemed to disappear. It was the thought of her dog Max. Would he have as good a time as Marilyn? Would he be happy and well cared for? What kind of owner would she be if she left this to chance…again? Maybe she could leave him with her brother? He had kids and couldn’t they do a good enough job…no!

No, no, no, the last time that happened Max had eaten three socks and the vet bill for that was huge. No this time Marilyn knew this needed to be handled the right way.

Great Advice
At this point Marilyn had not yet come to be a customer at Four Paws and just tried to make do with what she could find in the way of dog care. She was not very happy. And with this trip in the planning stages, she promised herself that this time it would be different – very different.

Fortunately for Marilyn, a close friend, sensing the stress building, made a simple suggestion. “Why not leave Max with a great group of dog loving experts who’ll make certain his time is fabulous? That’s what I do. And…I know just the place!“

Marilyn’s friend Susan was a long-time client of Four Paws and she used to share Marilyn’s sense of guilt and frustration. But the big difference for Susan was that as a customer of Four Paws she was supported by an entire team of people whose mission in life was to make the travel experience work perfectly for her and her dog. And they knew every trick in the book and then some.

In fact, before long Susan had already given Marilyn three or four suggestions and had to stop in her excitement to be helpful. She simply said, “OK look, if you want to continue trying to do this on your own you can. But if you want a place your dog will just love and you’re ready for something better, then you have to book Max’s stay at Four Paws.”

Why Didn’t I do This Sooner??

“Susan was so right! Why didn’t I do this sooner?” exclaimed Marilyn. You see Marilyn did become a customer of Four Paws and yes we do love Max almost as much as she does. You know you don’t have to wonder about the quality of care for your four legged family members any more. You can have the peace of mind you deserve. After all a vacation is supposed to be full of enjoyable experiences.

You can really have the vacation you want. You REALLY can. But it requires you to get the support necessary. That’s where we come in. We offer spacious accommodations for dogs. Guest amenities include comfy bedding in a climate controlled suites, and individual playtime. Best of all we offer lots of extras including individualized attention and special treats.  After a full day of play, exercise and meals, your pooch is tucked into their private suite. Your pet will absolutely love the time they spend with us – and you’ll love how affordable quality lodging can be!

To Make it Even Easier – Take the First Step Now!